How to run Oracle APEX in Docker container (Part I)

This is part I: Run Oracle Database and Oracle REST Data Service in container

Oracle has an official GitHub repository for running Oracle Database in Docker containers. I’ll use a single instance Oracle Database Enterprise Edition version 18.3.0 as an example in this guide.

Solarize Vim and Ubuntu terminal

After trying both dark and light themes for serval month, I decided to use Solarized Light colorscheme for all editors and IDEs. I think the background color should match the surrounding to reduce eye tiredness. At work or at home, I always work/game in a bright area. Therefore, a lighter theme like Solarized Light is a natural choice for me.

Use vim-plug to manage plugins

When I started to use Vim, I chose vundle as the plugin manager. Recently, I tried out vim-plug and prefers it over vundle for plug’s the superior download speed(parallel downing). Here’s how to install vim-plug and the .vimrc file I’m currently using.